Last modified by Sarantis Dimitriadis on 2023/05/30 17:36

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1 (% class="western" lang="en-GB" style="text-align:justify" %)
2 (% lang="en-US" %)**Description:** Identifying groups, organizations, and people who are relevant stakeholders. Prioritizing and ranking stakeholders based on their perspectives and interest. Mapping the relationship between different stakeholders and company objectives. Deliverable(s) Written report.
4 (% class="western" lang="en-GB" style="text-align:justify" %)
5 (% lang="en-US" %)**R&D service category-ies: **(%%)Community and network building, Project planning and management, Co-creation
7 (% class="western" lang="en-GB" style="text-align:justify" %)
8 (% lang="en-US" %)**Key **(%%)**characteristics(% lang="en-US" %) in Living Lab context(%%)**
10 * (% lang="en-US" %)Within a research context / for programs and projects.
11 * (% lang="en-US" %)Trying to promote a diversity-centered design
13 (% class="western" lang="en-GB" style="text-align:justify" %)
14 (% lang="en-US" %)**Pre-tasks: **Searching and listing all the interested stakeholders/partners, contacting them, and then mapping possible contributors
16 (% class="western" lang="en-GB" style="text-align:justify" %)
17 (% lang="en-US" %)**Objectives:**
19 * (% lang="en-US" %)Identifying relevant/key/negative stakeholders,
20 * (% lang="en-US" %)Identify stakeholders’ interest,
21 * (% lang="en-US" %)Provide information to participant recruitment
23 (% class="western" lang="en-GB" style="text-align:justify" %)
24 (% lang="en-US" %)**Methods:** Focus group, workshop, interviews, questionnaires methodology, social network analysis, two-dimensional matrix (e.g., power, influence, interest/need, support/attitude), primary/secondary/tertiary stakeholder, the salience model
26 (% class="western" lang="en-GB" style="text-align:justify" %)
27 (% lang="en-US" %)**Tools:** Online whiteboard (e.g., Miro), stakeholder mapping template

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101007990

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