Foresighting (trends, weak signals and wild cards)

Last modified by Sarantis Dimitriadis on 2023/05/30 18:02

Description: Foresighting is a practice of exploring expected and alternative futures. Trend is a general tendency or direction evident from past events increasing or decreasing in strength of frequency of observation. A weak signal is an indicator of a potentially emerging issue that may become significant in the future. “Wild card” is a high-impact event that seem too incredible or is considered too unlikely to happen; yet many do happen.

R&D service category-ies: Market and sales support


  • Policy consulting,
  • Create a future vision,
  • Identify new opportunities and risks,

Methods: Back casting, brainstorming, user/citizen panels, workshop/session, expert panel, interview, literature review, role playing, scenarios, survey, SWOT, wild card & weak signals, science fiction/crazy ideas

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101007990

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