
Version 7.1 by Despoina Petsani on 2021/11/02 13:48


Welcome to the wiki for Living Lab Harmonization

This wiki aims to present the Harmonized processes, services, tools and methods that Living Lab offer along with the methodological framework that will be followed during the Harmonization. The Harmonization guidelines are being developed in the frame of the VITALISE H2020 project.

The aim of this Living Lab standard is to guide Living Lab operators and researchers to execute, develop and maintain a harmonized framework for systematic Living Lab practices. Establishing Living Lab management system, they will:

  1. promote the expansion and growth of Living Lab movement beyond current actors and customers,
  2. stimulate cross-organization and transnational research collaboration,
  3. enable data sharing and comparison of the research results,
  4. increase research quality, and
  5. define a common terminology and language among researchers and practitioners

The basics

To make this tool as collaborative as possible, comments on the pages describing the harmonized procedures are open for all visitors:

To annotate a piece of text, select it and hit Ctrl + M (Meta + M).

To show/hide all comments on a page  hit Alt + A.

Use the search (top right corner) to find the proposed harmonization for a specific procedure, service or tool.

Harmonization Body

VITALISE Harmonization Body is a wider community of stakeholders consisting of Living Lab researchers and practitioners, healthcare professionals, policy makers and professionals that are interested in research performed in Living Lab infrastructures. VITALISE Harmonization Board aims to co-ordinate the Harmonization procedures and practices and is consisted of representatives of each Living Lab in the consortium as well as independent representatives from the Health and Wellbeing domain as well as policy makers. Representatives of other Health and Wellbeing Living Labs are also encouraged to join. This board will take decisions regarding the Standard Versions.

Join the Harmonization Body!!!


The VITALISE proposed methodology begins with a linear phase aiming to summarize the commonalities of the Living Labs procedures and services as a first standard (pre-study phase). The following iterations of harmonization methodology will be progressively attempting to harmonize procedures and services that are similar (but not identical) in the living labs, allowing for a 6-month testing and studying of the new harmonized procedures, before accepting or rejecting.

This wiki will serve the public review of the harmonization version to be approved. Once approved the following messages will appear (Approved by the VITALISE H2020 living labs' consensus report on 30/09/2021)

(under development)


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101007990

Copyright © 2021 VITALISE Project