Living Lab Research Infrastructure

Last modified by Sarantis Dimitriadis on 2022/06/02 09:55

In regulation 1291/2013, the EU Parliament and Council of the EU define Research Infrastructure (RI) as “facilities, resources and services that are used by the research communities to conduct research and foster innovation in their fields”. Living lab RIs consist

  • Single-sited facility: Unified single body of equipment at one physical location

    • Laboratory or smart home
  • Distributed facility: Facilities, resources and services that are geographically scattered in multiple location

    • City, city district, outdoor space (e.g. nature/hiking trails)
    • sensor networks, network of homes
  • Virtual access-based facility: Resources and services that are exclusively available via online internet based tools.

    • Access and ability storage scientific data and repositories, tools for virtual collaboration, various computer services,
  • Mobile facility: Facilities and resources which can be easily moved to from one place to another

    • Handheld devices and non-handheld equipment


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101007990

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